It appears that you’re looking for the provided VILLUPURAM to KALITHARTAMPATTU TNSTC bus timings information in a more organized format. Here it is presented in a table format:
Route | Departure Time | Arrival Time | Bus Type | Service Operator |
1N | 10:40:00 | 12:05:00 | ORD | TNSTC-VPM |
1N | 16:15:00 | 17:45:00 | ORD | TNSTC-VPM |
1N | 21:40:00 | 23:05:00 | ORD | TNSTC-VPM |
This table presents the bus schedule information with columns for the route, departure time, arrival time, bus type, and service operator. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to ask!