Udumalpet to Tirupur Bus Timings (End to End)

TNSTC Government Buses from Udumalpet bus stand to Tirupur old bus stand are available from 4:20 AM in the morning and run at intervals of every 10 minutes until 10:20 PM in the evening

Udumalpet, Gudimangalam, Palladam, Tirupur

17.05 AM
28.05 AM
38.45 AM
410.10 AM
511.00 AM
61.OO AM
71.45 AM
83.30 AM

94.35 AM
105.15 AM
117.05 AM
128.30 AM

Tirupur Old Bus Stand to Udumalpet

Night : 11: 50 PM Erode Bus

Midnight 2;00 AM Salem AC Bus

Midnight 2;30 AM Madurai Bus

Morn 5:00 AM after every 10 minutes buses available till 10:40 PM