Bus Service 854B:
- Bus Name: Tiruppur Koilvazhi B.S
- Departure Time from Tiruppur Koilvazhi B.S: 10:15:00 AM
- Arrival Time in Rameswaram: 06:45:00 PM
- Bus Type: EXP (Express)
- Bus Operator: TNSTC-CBE (Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation – Coimbatore Division)
Bus Service 854A:
- Bus Name: Tiruppur Koilvazhi B.S
- Departure Time from Tiruppur Koilvazhi B.S: 08:55:00 PM
- Arrival Time in Rameswaram: 05:10:00 AM (next day)
- Bus Type: EXP (Express)
- Bus Operator: TNSTC-CBE
Each bus service indicates the departure time from Tiruppur Koilvazhi B.S and the arrival time in Rameswaram, along with the bus type (EXP) and the bus operator (TNSTC-CBE).