SAKTHI SOYAS is part of well known SAKTHI GROUP – a popular name in Southern India.
The Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation (TIDCO) and Sakthi Sugars Ltd. Chairman
Dr.N.Mahalingam jointly formed Sakthi Soyas Limited in 1986.
The Soya products manufactured by Sakthi Soyas have wide applications in confectionery, baking,
pharmaceuticals and downstream products such as protein isolate, protein concentrates, etc.
The value added Soya Products namely Texturised Soya Protein (TSP) Nuggets / Chunks, Granules and
Mince / Flakes both natural and caramel colours.
Sakthi Soyas is also engaged in crop developmental work like soybean variety trials, seed
multiplication and seed based agronomy, entomology and plant pathology experiments.