Musiri, Tiruchirappalli

It is Located in the State Of Tamil Nadu.

History of Musiri

Musiri is believed to have been founded in the 2nd century BCE by the Chola king karikalan. The city flourished for centuries, becoming a major center for trade in spices, silks, and other goods. Musiri was also a center of learning and culture, and was home to many poets, scholars, and artists.

Decline of Musiri

Musiri’s decline began in the 10th century CE, when the Kaveri River changed its course, flooding the city and destroying its port. The city was further devastated by a series of natural disasters, including cyclones and earthquakes. By the 15th century, Musiri was a mere ruin.

Ruins of Musiri

Today, the ruins of Musiri are a popular tourist destination. The ruins include the remains of temples, palaces, and other buildings. Visitors can also see the remnants of the city’s harbor and walls.

Attractions of Musiri

  • Srivandiyamangalam Temple: This temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva and is one of the oldest temples in Tamil Nadu.
  • Ruins of the Chola Palace: The ruins of the Chola palace are a reminder of the city’s former grandeur.

Transportation Facilities

Musiri (Poompuhar) transportation facilities

Musiri is well-connected by road and rail. The nearest airport is Trichy International Airport, which is about 50 kilometers away.