Here are the details for the bus routes from Erode to Thudupathi:
Bus Route: 12A
- Departure from Erode to Thudupathi:
- Departure Time: 5:30 AM
- Arrival Time: 6:35 AM
- Type: Ordinary (ORD)
- Operator: TNSTC-CBE
Bus Route: 12A
- Departure from Erode to Thudupathi:
- Departure Time: 18:05 PM
- Arrival Time: 19:00 PM
- Type: Ordinary (ORD)
- Operator: TNSTC-CBE
Bus Route: 12B
- Departure from Erode to Thudupathi:
- Departure Time: 16:05 PM
- Arrival Time: 17:05 PM
- Type: Ordinary (ORD)
- Operator: TNSTC-CBE