Cultivation of Vegetables in Pollachi

Pollachi PPC is connected to NH 83 by Meenakarai Rd, giving it easy access to hte road transport. This
location is a major vegetable growing and trading cluster.
Pandal vegetables in Pollachi towards the Anamalais area
that belt has increased from around 100 acres a couple of years back to over 800 acres at present
.Mostly bitter gourd, angular gourd, snake gourd are the main paadal vegetables.
Baladhandapani, a farmer with a 2-acre holding in Thimmangkuthu panchayat (located 14 km off
Pollachi), says he bought the land six years back to cultivate tomato.
Onion, Tomato, Brinjal & Ladies finger are also cultivated as a inter crop of coconut farms in pollachi