Attur is situated in the northern part of Tamil Nadu and falls under the Salem district.The economy of Attur is diverse, with agriculture playing a significant role. The region is known for its cultivation of crops like paddy, sugarcane, and various fruits.
Nearby cities: Salem, Namakkal, Karur
Pin code: 636102
Weather: Hot and humid, with the temperature ranging from 25°C to 35°C throughout the year.
Transport facility: Well-connected by road and rail. The nearest railway station is Attur Railway Station, which is located on the Salem-Tiruchirappalli line. There are several bus operators that run regular buses to Attur from major cities in Tamil Nadu.
City: Attur, Salem district, Tamil Nadu
Nearby cities: Salem (56 km), Namakkal (65 km), Karur (70 km)
Tourist places: Attur Fort, Attur Ananthagiri Temple, Attur Bird Sanctuary
Pin code: 636102
Weather: Hot and humid (25°C to 35°C)
Transport: Well-connected by road and rail