Here are the train times from Udumalaipettai to Madurai:
- 16343 Amritha Express: This train departs from Udumalaipettai at 6:07 AM and arrives in Madurai at 10:00 AM. It takes 3 hours and 53 minutes to travel this distance.
- 06029 MTP TEN SPL: This train departs from Udumalaipettai at 10:35 PM and arrives in Madurai at 2:10 AM.
- 16732 Tiruchendur Palakkad Exp from Udumalaipettai to Madurai departure: Udumalaipettai at 16:25 PM and arrival: Madurai at 19:58 PM Travel time: 3 hours and 33 minutes
These are just a few of the trains that travel from Udumalaipettai to Madurai. You can find a more complete list of trains and their schedules on the Indian Railways website.
Here are some insights into the train times from Udumalaipettai to Madurai:
- The fastest train is the 16343 Amritha Express, which takes 3 hours and 53 minutes to travel the distance.
- The most popular train is the 16343 Amritha Express, which has an average of 1,500 passengers per day.
- The train times are more frequent during the day, with trains departing every hour or two. There are fewer trains at night, with only one or two trains per day.
- The train times are subject to change, so it is always best to check the Indian Railways website before you travel.
Here are some additional things to keep in mind when planning your train journey from Udumalaipettai to Madurai:
- The distance between Udumalaipettai and Maduraiis about 119 kilometers.
- The trains that travel from Udumalaipettai to Madurai are all express trains, so they do not make many stops.
- The train stations in Udumalaipettai and Maduraiare both well-connected to the city centers, so it is easy to get to your destination from either station.