train times from Udumalaipettai to Dindigul:
- The fastest train is the 22652 Pgt Mas Express, which takes 1 hour and 50 minutes to travel the distance.
- The cheapest train is the 16343 Amritha Express, which costs ₹120 for a second-class sleeper ticket.
- The most popular train is the 16343 Amritha Express, which has an average of 1,000 passengers per day.
- The train times are more frequent during the day, with trains departing every hour or two. There are fewer trains at night, with only one or two trains per day.
- The train times are subject to change, so it is always best to check the Indian Railways website before you travel.
Here are the train times from Udumalaipettai to Dindigul:
- 16343 Amritha Express: This train departs from Udumalaipettai at 6:07 AM and arrives in Dindigul at 8:10 AM. It takes 2 hours and 3 minutes to travel this distance.
- 22652 Pgt Mas Express: This train departs from Udumalaipettai at 5:45 PM and arrives in Dindigul at 7:35 PM. It takes 1 hour and 50 minutes to travel this distance.
- 06029 MTP TEN SPL: This train departs from Udumalaipettai at 10:35 PM and arrives in Dindigul at 12:30 AM. It takes 1 hour and 55 minutes to travel this distance.
Here are some additional things to keep in mind when planning your train journey from Udumalaipettai to Dindigul:
- The distance between Udumalaipettai and Dindigul is about 92 kilometers.
- The trains that travel from Udumalaipettai to Dindigul are all express trains, so they do not make many stops.
- The train stations in Udumalaipettai and Dindigul are both well-connected to the city centers, so it is easy to get to your destination from either station.