Dharmapuri to Santharapatti TNSTC bus timings and Ticket Booking

The bus route D34 from Dharmapuri to Santharapatti operates at the following times:

  1. Departure from Dharmapuri: 13:00 (1:00 PM)
  2. Arrival at Santharapatti: 14:05 (2:05 PM)


  1. Departure from Dharmapuri: 17:30 (5:30 PM)
  2. Arrival at Santharapatti: 18:35 (6:35 PM)

These are ordinary (ORD) services provided by TNSTC-SLM. Please keep in mind that bus schedules are subject to change, so it’s a good idea to verify the most up-to-date schedule and any additional information with TNSTC-SLM before planning your journey.