Here are the bus routes from Dharmapuri to MR Halli and MR.Halli with their departure and arrival times:
- Route D10B
- Departure: Dharmapuri at 5:30 PM
- Arrival: MR Halli at 6:05 PM
- Type: ORD (Ordinary)
- Operator: TNSTC-SLM (Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation – Salem Division)
- Route D11
- Departure: Dharmapuri at 5:30 PM
- Arrival: MR Halli at 6:05 PM
- Type: ORD (Ordinary)
- Operator: TNSTC-SLM (Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation – Salem Division)
- Route D27
- Departure: Dharmapuri at 6:40 AM
- Arrival: MR Halli at 7:30 AM
- Type: ORD (Ordinary)
- Operator: TNSTC-SLM (Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation – Salem Division)
- Route D35
- Departure: Dharmapuri at 5:25 AM
- Arrival: MR Halli at 6:05 AM
- Type: ORD (Ordinary)
- Operator: TNSTC-SLM (Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation – Salem Division)
- Route 258E
- Departure: Dharmapuri at 2:27 PM
- Arrival: MR.Halli at 3:50 PM
- Type: ORD (Ordinary)
- Operator: TNSTC-SLM (Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation – Salem Division)
Please note that bus schedules may be subject to change, so it’s a good idea to confirm the departure time with the bus operator or at the bus station before your journey. If you have any more questions or need information about other routes, feel free to ask!